Attendance Information


This is a reminder of our attendance procedures.  If you have any questions regarding attendance or your child’s attendance record, please reach out to Carol McQuaid, Attendance Secretary at or 410-313-5030. 


If your child is absent for any reason, please send an email to Please include the reason for the absence. i.e. sick, mental health day, Dr. Appointment.  These absences are all considered excused.  Vacation/Trips are not excused.  (See Local Discretionary Days) 




Each school year, every student receives 3 Local Discretionary Days.  These days are meant to be used for special family events, including vacations/trips, and are considered excused absences.  The LD form needs to be filled out and sent to at least one week prior to the expected absence for approval. Please reach out to the office for the form or search "Local Discretionary" on