Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy

Karen Beuchel


        In the education setting, physical therapy facilitates the development of the student's motor abilities. The service includes strategies and adaptations which focus on functional mobility and safe participation in school activities. In the education setting these services must be related to the educational needs of the students.


Physical Therapists may:
1. Provide information and interpretation when students bring in reports involving orthopedic or neurological  conditions.
2. Provide training on lifting and transfers.
3. Need information directly from the physician before becoming involved with the students who have had recent surgery.
4. Work with parents, staff, physicians and providers to assure that appropriate equipment is ordered.
5. Work with transportation to resolve identified problems such as making decisions about the need to use the lift or the ability to utilize the general education bus.
6. Work with administrators and facilities staff to identify and resolve barriers to accessibility in schools, for graduation and at work sites.
7. Provide updates and recommendations to physicians if requested by parents.
8. Give input/suggestions on optimal positioning for function/testing.


 Emily Thomas (Elementary OT)

Occupational therapy services infants, toddlers and school-aged children in the development areas of fine motor, sensory motor, oral motor, and self-help skills. Therapist conduct assessment and provide direct therapy in a variety of settings. Consultation and program planning with teachers are included for the child's benefit. The therapist demonstrates and provides activities to facilitate normal development.