Guidance / Psychologist

Kelly Clark is the School Counselor at RES.


My name is Kelly Clark and I am the School Counselor at Rockburn.  It is my privilege to work with all of our students through classroom lessons, small groups, and individual meetings. Through collaboration with teachers, parents and the community, it is my goal to help maintain a caring community in which our learners feel safe and comfortable. This year our theme is “Choose Kind!” We hope to inspire students to choose to Keep connecting, Include others, Notice a need, and Decide to help. 


School Psychologist
The Rockburn psychological services team includes Aubrey Tardy (5 days per week) and Kaitlyn Stone (2 days per week.) School psychologists help with efforts to promote resilience, reduce and/or identify risk factors, and provide appropriate interventions for our students. We also engage as leaders in data analysis, consultation, and systems level prevention/ intervention with the goal of improving student success. At Rockburn, we are active participants on our school-based problem-solving teams (SST, IIT, 504, IEP). Through these avenues, we help address students’ social, emotional, behavioral and academic functioning through collaboration with staff and families. We also complete assessments and provide counseling, when appropriate, to aid teams in further supporting students.