Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC)

The Howard County Public School System provides a full continuum of services through the Office of Early Intervention Services Regional Early Childhood Centers (RECCs) to children ages 3 - 5 years old that are in need of early intervention or special education. 

RECC Program Descriptions

PreK Programs:

HCPSS offers high-quality half-day and full-day prekindergarten programs. Students must be four years old by September 1, 2024 to be considered for enrollment in the 2024-2025 school year. The comprehensive curriculum, taught by certified staff, supports early learning and school readiness and provides experiences that foster children’s academic, social, emotional and physical development.

Multiple Intense Needs Classes: 

Toddlers and preschoolers who have moderate to severe needs in engagement, independence, communication, and social interaction may receive services through Multiple Intense Needs Classes (MINC).  Approximately six children with disabilities nad six typically developing children are included in each class.  Staff members use principles of applied behavior analysis to help children develop school readiness skills through teaching techniques such as incidental teaching, 3-step prompting, graduated guidance or errorless teaching.  Instruction is systematically embedded into identified routines and activities to provide multiple opportunities for the children to practice skills.  Related services are provided as appropriate.  

Each child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) outlines goals and objectives developed by parents and professionals to address skill deficits and build school readiness. Team members provide instruction and therapy services using techniques that combine sound principles of early childhood special education, developmentally appropriate practices and applied behavioral analysis. Active learning, child choice, highly motivation materials, and positive behavioral supports are key to facilitating children’s growth in developmental areas. Personalized programs are developed by school team members and parents to accelerate children’s development of language, literacy, mathematics, social interaction, and motor skills.



If you would like to enroll your child in our RECC program as a Learning Together peer, applications are available in the front office or you can reach out to Please check Rockburn's email updates or call 410-313-5030 for more information.  


If you suspect that your toddler (under age 3) has a developmental delay and would like for a team to evaluate him/her, please submit your referral by calling the Office of Early Intervention at 410-313-7017.


If you suspect that your pre-school age child (3-5) has a developmental delay and would like for a team to evaluate him/her, please submit your referral to the County Diagnostic Center at 410-313-7046.